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Company News

Safety Production

2023-03-21 14:45

Safety Production
Our company continued to follow the safety production policy of “safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management”, strengthen on-site supervision and strengthen system management. Under the leadership of the safety supervision departments at all levels, the company insisted on implementing the main responsibility of safety production, and made the alarm bell ringing, achieving zero accident indicators. The safety production work in this quarter is summarized as follows:

  1. Joint fire emergency drill

 In order to control the fire and explosion accidents that may occur at the production site and hazardous chemicals storage sites, evaluate the applicability of the company's fire emergency plan, and also to improve the fire safety knowledge and emergency response capabilities of the company's employees, our company and Huangxing firefighting in April. The squadron and China Resources Coatings Co., Ltd. jointly launched a large-scale fire safety training and drill. The fire drill deepened the ability of employees to escape from the fire, and improved the ability of employees to extinguish the initial fire from the drill process and achieved good results.

  1. hidden dangers investigation and treatment

        In line with the company's safety first, prevention-oriented safety production policy, considering the upcoming high temperature and heavy rainfall weather, our company continues to pay attention to hidden trouble investigations, and the relevant person in charge of the company takes the lead in organizing safety for workshops, venues and corners. Hidden dangers are investigated to prevent the occurrence of safety accidents.

 3.complete the assessment of major hazards

The state promulgated and implemented new major hazard source assessment standards. In cooperation with the actual situation, our company invited Hunan Safety Production Scientific Research Co., Ltd. and the county safety supervision department to re-evaluate the major hazard sources of our company, and invited relevant experts to organize After review, it was assessed that there were changes in the company's major hazard sources. Our company responded positively, re-established a major hazard source safety management system, and completed the assessment and implementation of major hazard sources.

  1. the emergency plan update record

Due to major hazard source changes, our company has re-designed special plans for major hazard sources to strengthen the management of major hazard sources, and invited relevant experts to conduct the review, and re-record the new plan in the county emergency management department.